dinsdag 9 november 2010

Eco-Labels: Do They Really Matter

Today you'll find a wide variety of labels on almost every product. But it does seem to persuade customers to buy the product instead of a more cheaper one. There is often a great difference between the standards used by the different labels, every product can obtain a label even with the weakest environmental efforts. The vast variety of labels is confusing the consumer because they don't know what every label stands for. That confusion is a threat to all labels, it's possible that the consumer will forget about the labels and go for the cheapest product.

They have a point here I think, there are way to much labels, it's really confusing. for example, on the picture you have 7 different logo's, I’ve already met label 1,2 and 7. But I only know the meaning of label 1.
I also agree with the article about the responsibility labels have to the consumers. We trust that they are put on the right products for the right reasons. If that's not the case and some labels don't represent any form of effort for the environment, we might as well go for the cheaper products, because we don't know who's fooling us en who isn't.


Bert De Rycke

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