zondag 21 november 2010

Greenwashing in commercials

During the discussion about eco-labels, the term ‘greenwashing’ appeared time and time again. This is also the case in commercials. An increasingly widespread phenomenon is that more and more companies want to demonstrate clearly that they are concerned about the environment. And how better to show this than by spreading it through the use of commercials?

In this video, Kermit the frog sings that being green is difficult. Then he discovers the New Ford Escape Hybrid and all of a sudden it seems very easy to be green. This shows that Ford is trying to reflect their image of having an outstanding economic, environmental and social performance. But apparently none of that is true. According to some statistics the car they are advertising gets 31 miles per gallon on the highway and 36 mpg in the city. Compared to other cars on the market of hybrid automobiles, Ford does not even belong to the better category. According to some analysts, this is a desperate attempt to try and keep up with the more efficient cars created by other brands.

This greenwashing method, which was applied by Ford, makes customers believe that they operate environmentally friendly. In my opinion this is a big risk for their credibility. Considering the irrefutable data about the different hybrid cars, everyone can conclude that Ford’s cars are not green at all. So Ford is obviously trying to mislead their customers and that won’t be appreciated by everyone.
We can conclude that greenwashing can build or break your image.

Source 1 , Source 2

Ellen De Medts

1 opmerking:

  1. It is true that these facts will harm the reputation of Ford. I think Ford greenwashed this car because it is cheaper for Ford to make people believe they produce enviromentally friendly cars than to adapt their operations to reduce environmental damage. In my opinion, it is difficult to distinguish sustainable products from greenwashed products, especially when the greenwashed products are advertised as eco-friendly in large promotion campaigns. That proves that there is a need for improvement in the transparency of ecolabels. That is why I made the next blog: "The Global Ecolabel Monitor tackles the green wash".
    Julie Demasure
