zondag 21 november 2010

Environmentally friendly Hotels

Sustainability and green labels are mainstream with business and consumers involved. However, their incentives are quite different. While people purchase eco-friendly stuff in order to save the environment, the world's businesses attach the green label because it promotes their sales. As a matter of fact, the lodging industry doesn't meet both incentives. Which makes the ecolabels program a tricky business.
Big resorts in the middle of a very vulnerable nowhere, swimming pools, wine and dine, Spa & Casino … the hotel industry is a major polluter. People don't realize the negative impact of tourism. Or better: they don't care. Tourists prefer luxury before eco-awareness. They simply do what they are told to: "Relax because you are on holiday".
Therefore, the greater part of hotels participating a green label program, ironically don't advertise their green actions. And even when they do, it doesn't match reality. There are "green hotels" promoting reuse programs, ignoring the guests request not to change their towels and sheets. Other hotels are Green Seal certified using the Styrofoam anyway.
Julie Demasure

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